



Fully-Automatic Rotary Arm System



The all-rounder with even greater performance and availability in conjunction with reduced wear and tear

Our base version for securing loads properly. Equipped with a continuously adjustable power-stretch-system EFO 01 as a standard feature

Capacity up to 150 pallets/hour. Our fully-automatic rotary arm machines series A 5000 have been designed for the highest performance range and can be integrated into any commercially available transport system.

Innovative technology

Our fully-automatic rotary arm machines series "A 5000" are designed for the upper performance range and can be integrated into any conventional transport system. Equipped with a continuously adjustable power-stretch-system as a standard feature.


Available with an upstream top-sheet dispenser for protection against dust or removal, and for weatherproof packaging available with an integrated top-sheet dispenser. Extensive and especially user-friendly basic equipment. More than 1000 installations in all different kinds of industries.

Intuitive operation

To use the full potential of a machine a sophisticated user interface, and a simple and especially ergonomic handling is a must. We have solved this task successfully with our operating concept based on a SIEMENS touch-panel. Apart from the regular machine operations more information such as stretch film consumption, number of wrapped pallets, and maintenance intervals are available at any time.

Guaranteed satisfaction

Exceptionally sturdy, durable, and flexible. Built for a lifetime of at least 15 years. STREMA® machines might be replaced after 15 or more years, but they never will be discarded.


Outstanding features

The outstanding functional features, which are already standard equipped and pay for themselves in daily use include for example the simultaneous operation with two stretch film reels and the continuous running even if one of the stretch film reels are torn or empty.


The STREMA® A 5000B II has outstanding functional features as standard, which pay off in daily use. Optionally the machine can be expanded with special functions.

Two EFO 01 DUO-POWER-STRETCH pre-stretch-systems

2 x Two-roll pre-stretch-system with electronically controlled three-phase motor. Minimal pressure onto the edges of load due to electronically dancer positioning control.


Starting and ending point of wrapping cycle is possible on top of the pallet as well as on the bottom.

End of stretch film heat sealing for safe automated warehouse storage

Automated warehouse safe packaging due to pulse-heat sealing of the stretch film-end throughout the entire stretch film width.

Stretch film gathering mechanism (partwise roping)

Pallet notches remain open, enables significantly stronger connection between the product carrier and the product.

Smooth drive

Belt drive for speeds up to 50 rpm.

Automatic performance adjustment

The operating speed of the machine automatically adjusts to the actual range of the workload – therefore less wear and tear, and longer trouble-free running of the machine.

Stretch film consumption indicator

Stretch film consumption of every single pallet or summery of a user defined period. Data can be send to the ERP system.

Maintenance and Service indicator

Maintenance and lubrication intervals and the description of the therefor needed tasks are displayed on the operator panel.

Impressively simple usage via SIEMENS touch-panel

Software times, counting functions, etc. are made accessible and modifiable for authorized personnel via operator panel without the need of a programming unit.

Top platen

Fixation of extremely unstable products by a pressure plate.


Pallet lift

A special wrapping program enables a better connection between the product carrier and the product while lifting the pallet » improved loading safety.

Control of adjacent conveyor system, labeller,

and much more.

Upstream top-sheet dispenser

For protection against dust and/or removal. Available as draw off application (intermittent – pallet must stop) or run through application (applied as pallet passes through). Twin head version.

Integrated top-sheet dispenser available as draw off application

Applying of top-sheet by electric linear drive, cut of top-sheet via electrically heated cutting wire, automatic top-sheet dispense release monitoring. This method can be used to create a waterproof packaging.

Automatic stretch film reel exchange system

Once the stretch film reel is all used up, the empty stretch film reel will be removed by our "RCS"-Component, a new stretch film reel will be prepared and inserted for the automatic re-start of the machine.


Customization of the user interface according to customer requirements.


Remote access

Allows STREMA Technician direct access to the PLC.



Direct communication between ERP system (Operator Unit) and stretch wrapper.


Pictures, videos, and product-specific PDF documents.

A 5000 Flyer (PDF)

A 5000B II Machine

A 5000B II Machine

A 5000B II Machine

A 5000B II Machine details

A 5000B II Machine details

A 5000B II Machine details

1200 - 1440+

Kauerhof near Sulzbach-Rosenberg

STREMA® Maschinenbau GmbH

Stretch Wrapping Systems

Kauerhofer Straße 4a-6

92237 Sulzbach-Rosenberg, Germany

T 0049 9661 8702-0



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© 2015 - 2022 STREMA Maschinenbau GmbH®

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A 5000B II

Fully-Automatic Rotary Arm System

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